Structural Dynamic Response of the Circular Arch Bridge
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The Circular Arch Bridge is a pedestrian bridge consisting out of four different recycled materials: cast glass, ceramic, circument and geopolymer concrete. Due to an increasing amount of vibration problems in modern pedestrian bridges they should not only be designed for static loads, but dynamic loads have to be considered as well. There are currently no guidelines in the Eurocodes for the dynamic assessment of a bridge like the Circular Arch Bridge. Therefore, this paper provides a research on how the dynamic assessment of the Circular Arch Bridge should be conducted.
The Circular Arch Bridge is considered a dry-stacked masonry arch bridge. A full dynamic assessment is conducted, with the use of finite element software, according to the guidelines for pedestrian bridges. The eigenvalues of the Circular Arch Bridge are not within the critical range for pedestrian induced dynamic loads. It is found that for everyday use the Circular Arch Bridge is within Comfort Class 2 from the Eurocode, thereby providing a medium comfort level. A special load case is added to the analysis representing a group of 60 people dancing on the bridge during experimental testing of the bridge. For this load case the Circular Arch Bridge is within Comfort Class 3 from the Eurocode, thereby providing a minimum level of comfort.
With a sensitivity analysis it is determined that the most sensitive input parameter of the finite element model is the modulus of elasticity of the interlayer. An investigation of the effect of large stiffness differences between the interlayer and the stones on the dynamic properties of the bridge is conducted. It is concluded that the large stiffness differences have a positive effect on the dynamic properties of the bridge. The effect of the dry-stacked assembly of the bridge on the dynamic properties is also investigated. This as a negative effect on the dynamic properties of the bridge.