Low Latency and High Throughput Write-Ahead Logging Using CAPI-Flash
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High-velocity data imposes high durability overheads on Big Data technology components such as NoSQL data stores. In Apache Cassandra and MongoDB, widely used NoSQL solutions with high scalability and availability, write-ahead logging is used to provide durability. However, current write-ahead logging techniques are limited by the excessive overhead in the I/O subsystem. To address this performance gap, we have designed a novel CAPI-Flash based high performance durable logging mechanism for Apache Cassandra and MongoDB. We take advantage of the high throughput, low latency path to flash storage provided by the Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface (CAPI) on IBM POWER8 Systems. Our experimental results show that for insert-only workloads, CAPI-Flash logging provides up to 70 and 514 percent improvement in throughput compared to Cassandra and MongoDB's durable alternatives, respectively. It also provides average of 45 percent increase in throughput with Cassandra and average of 115 percent increase in throughput with MongoDB for update-mostly and update-only workloads.
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