Tensor-based Hemodynamic Response Estimation in Functional Ultrasound Data
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Functional ultrasound (fUS) is an emerging technique that provides high sensitivity imaging of cerebral blood volume (CBV) changes. As increased metabolic demand of active tissue induces changes in CBV, these changes reflect neuronal activity in the corresponding brain area. The main advantages of this technique are that it can image the entire brain with unprecedented spatial (50-500um) and temporal resolution (10- 100ms), and that it constitutes a potentially portable solution, as opposed to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the currently dominant modality in functional brain imaging. The high resolution as well as the plane-wave illumination lead to a large amount of raw ultrasound data per aquisition. The fundamental challenge is that fUS only provides an indirect measure of brain activity through the neurovascular coupling; this system is the link between the local neuronal activity and the resulting blood flow changes and has only partially known dynamic and nonlinear characteristics. Moreover, besides the activity of interest, fUS records a mixture of other ongoing brain activity, physiological artifacts and noise. The goal of this research is to develop tensor-based source separation techniques in order to estimate the brain’s hemodynamic response function (HRF) to stimuli and the activity of interest by learning its nonlinear coupling with the fUS signal.