Rotary oscillations control of flow around cylinder at Re = 1.4 × 105

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We study the flow over an infinite cylinder at high sub-critical Reynolds numbers of Re = 1.4 × 105 using the second-moment closure Reynolds Stress Model. The model of Jakirlić and Hanjalić [1] has been previously validated against large-eddy simulations (LES) and experimental data [2]. The focus is on the control of drag and lift forces acting on the cylinder by rotary oscillations of the bluff body with a set amplitude and frequency. We show that, although at low frequencies the drag force fluctuates around the same value as for the non-rotating case, the recirculating bubble behind the cylinder shrinks for sufficiently large amplitudes of oscillations. The results agree with the data from the literature for lower Reynolds numbers suggesting the investigation of the effect of drag reduction at higher frequencies of rotation.