Live in Between
The integrated and socio-ecologically resilient development of desakota in the context of shrinking cities in Liaoning, China
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As a result of extended urbanization caused by the expansion of urban activities to the periphery and beyond and in-situ urbanization in rural areas, many peri-urban areas with a mix of agricultural and non-agricultural activities have emerged in Liaoning, which can be described as ‘desakota’. These widely distributed desakota are neglected in planning, leading to marginalization and socio-ecological degradation, and the socio-ecological systems of desakota are further affected by urban shrinkage. Therefore, desakota in Liaoning cannot innovate and transform into a desirable future in the shrinking context.
Socio-ecological systems are dynamic and unpredictable (Berkes, 2017). Traditional planning can only partially cope with it (Balducci et al, 2011) while adaptive planning provides more flexibility and adaptivity. Adaptive planning can enhance socio-ecological resilience in desakota from both spatial and institutional dimensions. Building on socio-ecological resilience, these areas increase the potential to provide socio-ecological values to the megaregion.
Therefore, in the context of shrinkage, this study aims to investigate how socio-ecological resilience can be built in peri-urban areas through adaptive planning, with attention to spatial and institutional dimensions, to counter socio-ecological degradation and achieve integrated development.