Car use reduction in car centric Purmerend

Applying behavior change models to promote sustainable transportation

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This thesis explores the potential for reducing car-use in development area Waterlandkwartier in Purmerend, with a particular focus on soft measures. Using the stage model of self-regulated behavioral change (SSBC) (Bamberg, 2013b) as a framework, this thesis identifies internal factors influencing residents' mobility choices and assesses how soft measures can be effectively implemented to encourage a shift away from car centricity. Additionally, Michie et al.’s (2011) behavioral change wheel was added to the framework to comprehend the external factors that could also influence behavior. A survey conducted among local residents revealed specific areas of focus, including social norms, personal norms, and perceived behavioral control. A comparison with other municipalities and an analysis of existing literature highlighted that while Purmerend's planned hard measures are common, they need to be complemented by soft measures to reduce resistance and encourage voluntary behavioral change. It is recommended that the municipality of Purmerend implements soft measures to complement existing hard measures from their mobility program of requirements (2022a). The soft measures include social norms marketing to normalize reduced car-use by spreading messages that highlight desirable behavior, and antecedent strategies to raise awareness about the negative impacts of car-use on public space, encouraging shifts in personal norms. Residents should be encouraged to set specific, achievable goals for reducing car-use. For shared mobility specifically, mastery and vicarious experiences should be provided through events and media, this can increase perceived feasibility and perceived behavioral control. These findings contribute to the broader conversation on sustainable urban mobility and offer valuable insights for other cities aiming to implement measures to reduce car use.
