Characterisation of electrochemical properties of capacitive membrane electrodes

Determination of the relation between the electrochemical parameters and the performance of capacitive membrane electrodes with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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Fresh water is a scarce source. Demand for freshwater is greater than supply, due to the increasing industrialisation of countries and the low natural supply of freshwater sources such as rivers and lakes. Contamination of these natural freshwater sources by industrial wastewater adds to the freshwater deficit. Throughout history, technologies have been developed to increase the supply of fresh water by desalinating other water sources into fresh water. Reverse osmosis is the most widely used desalination technology for seawater desalination, but the energy transition calls for electric-based technologies that can desalinate water using renewable energy sources. Capacitive deionisation is a relatively new desalination technology that uses electrical energy to desalinate brackish water. The capacitive deionisation cell is an electrochemical cell in which the feed water flows between two electrodes. When electricity is applied to these electrodes, ions in the water are attracted to move towards the porous electrodes where they are adsorbed within the electrical double layer. Unfortunately, the capacitive deionisation system has some challenges: it is a batch-system, has a low freshwater production and it has not been built for large-scale production. Avsalt AB, a Swedish company, has developed a new capacitive deionisation architecture to address these challenges, called the multichannel capacitive deionisation system (MC-CDI). This system consists of two capacitive porous electrodes and several membrane-like electrodes between them, referred to as capacitive membrane electrodes (CMEs). To maximise the performance of the multichannel deionisation system, the performance of the capacitive membrane electrodes should be enhanced. Therefore, the aim of his thesis is to optimise the physical properties of the capacitive membrane electrodes that affect the performance of the capacitive membrane electrodes and to gain a better understanding of how the microscopic properties of the CMEs should be carefully tailored to improve the performance.
To address these questions we can turn to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). EIS is a non-invasive measurement technique that may be regarded as a much more sophisticated resistance measurement compared to, for example, a multimeter. In contrast to the latter device, EIS measures the impedance, which is a combination of the resistance and the reactance, at a wide range of frequencies. The frequency dependency of the measured impedance can be used to find a so-called equivalent electrical circuit model (EECM). For EIS measurements on electrochemical cells, such as batteries, fuel cells, and electrolysers, the EECM elucidates the different electrochemical processes that occur at different timescales and impedance plots are used to analyse and compare these electrochemical processes. EIS has been successfully used to analyse the electrochemical processes within CDI electrodes and ion exchange membranes, but capacitive membrane electrodes used in an MC-CDI system have never been studied with an accurate and fast measurement technique such as EIS. Because CMEs do not have a solid support structure, in contrast to most CDI electrodes, ions are free to migrate through the electrodes. Therefore, the alternating current that is needed in EIS measurements can be applied on an external set of electrodes, while the response alternating voltage can be picked up at the CMEs. This 4-point impedance measurement configuration enables precise determination of the ionic resistance and capacitance of the electrode material. Therefore, an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy setup is built to determine the performance indicators of the CMEs and to gain a better understanding of the electrochemical processes taking place at the interface of the CMEs. The resulting Nyquist and Bode plots are used to analyse the ion diffusion and capacitive behaviour of the electrodes. To enable the analysis, first, an equivalent electrical circuit is determined for these freestanding electrodes. It was found that the CME can be represented by the Transmission-line model, which in the equivalent electrical circuit takes the form of a junction of three complex impedances. From the values of the electrochemical parameters, the performance indicators of the CME, membrane conductivity and permselectivity, were evaluated.
The CME meter presents itself as an accurate measurement system to quickly evaluate the performance indicators of the CME, with the aim of efficiently searching for the CME that will show the best performance within the MC-CDI system, without placing it within the MC-CDI system. Further research should be conducted to investigate the extent to which EIS could be used to estimate the permselectivity of the CME and whether the total measurement time to predict permselectivity is still short enough to propose EIS as an alternative measurement technique.


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