Study of Hydrogen Sorption/Desorption Effect on Iron-Based Materials

Influence of Microstructure on the Hydrogen/Metal Interaction

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Studies on the impact of Hydrogen on the electrochemical and mechanical behaviour of Iron-based materials have been increasingly conducted in the past few years. This is mainly due to the ever-growing demand for sustainable energy sources, which involve Hydrogen and to meet the high structural and economic demands from the automobile sector and other industrial demands for which high strength steels like dual-phase steels have been developed. Steels may absorb hydrogen both throughout the production process and during different phases of use. High-strength steels (particularly dual phase steels) and martensitic stainless steels are highly susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement. Moreover, hydrogen embrittlement is already possible at quantities as low as 0.1 ppm[1]. Therefore, understanding Metal-hydrogen interactions is essential.

This thesis aims to study the effect of Hydrogen charging on three different
iron-based materials and the possible effect on the electrochemical/corrosion performance. The Iron-based materials used in the study are Pure Iron, DP1000 and AISI 420. The methodology involves using an electrochemical procedure based on potentiostatic Hydrogen charging and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), applied on these Iron-based materials having different phases to monitor H-uptake in the materials. The materials are charged with Hydrogen both on the active and passive surfaces. The electrochemical method is capable of measuring the diffusible H concentration (including mobile Hydrogen) for the steel alloys under H-charging conditions. Using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Technique, microstructural analysis is carried out on Pure Iron, DP1000 and AISI 420 stainless steel to identify the different phases interacting with Hydrogen. To gain additional insights relating to the electrochemical/corrosion performance of the investigated materials and into the H-related findings, potentiostatic polarization techniques, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP) are carried out.

As a result, it was discovered that Pure Iron had the maximum amount of diffusible Hydrogen under the charging conditions tested, followed by DP1000 and then AISI 420 Steel with the lowest amount. EIS technique was useful in identifying a trend between the barrier properties of the passive layer and the H desorption values for the three materials. The results also revealed that materials charged with Hydrogen on active and passive surfaces behaved differently with respect to the amount of Hydrogen desorption. The microstructural features of the active surface and the passive oxide film that formed on the materials are further discussed in relation to this.
