Parameters affecting local buckling response of pultruded GFRP I-columns

Experimental and numerical investigation

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This paper aims to investigate the performance of pultruded glass fiber reinforced polymer (pGFRP)I-section columns subject to short-term concentric compression, bringing up a discussion on the relevant parameters affecting their local buckling behavior and the interpretation of tests results. An experimental program was carried out, including a detailed material characterization and twenty-nine compression tests on short I-columns made of either polyester or vinyl ester matrices, with variable flange width-to-section depth ratios (bf/d), column lengths and local end conditions. The theoretical critical loads predicted using generalized beam theory (GBT)and finite element method (FEM)were compared to experimental results obtained by Southwell and Koiter techniques, with better agreements obtained for the latter. It is shown that, besides the length and local end conditions for loaded edges, post-buckling with associated non-linear elastic strains distribution throughout the cross-section and damage prior to buckling have relevant influence on the measured critical loads. On the other hand, the influence of the rotational stiffness of web-flange junctions were considered small for the material and cross-sections studied. Finally, results have shown that the usual boundary condition adopted in literature approaches a clamped condition instead of simply-supported one.