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In Onur et al. ["Cooperative density estimation in random wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 16, no. 3, 269 pp. 331-333, Mar. 2012], two novel density estimation (DE) approaches in wireless random networks were introduced by Onur et al., which are carried out respectively in cooperative and individual fashions. Both of them were derived via the maximum likelihood (ML) method. However, an implicit but fatal error was made obtaining the individual DE (I-DE) approach. This letter comments on Onur et al. and points out the aforementioned error. By investigating the distance order statistics (DOS) distributions in the random networks, the correct I-DE approach is presented and discussed. Simulation results also show that the correct I-DE outperforms the wrong one. More importantly, a new method that can obtain any univariate or multivariate DOS distribution is demonstrated, which is expected to be helpful for the study of the wireless communications and networking.