Entering the in-between-land
The implementation of “The Entrance to the Tussenland”. Supporting people with an incurable disease in their journey to the in-between-land
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The moment a patient receives the diagnosis of an incurable disease, it often feels like their whole world collapses. One patient explained this feeling as entering the in-between-land, the transition period from ending curative care and entering the end-of-life care. This in-between-land feels like entering an unknown land where you do not know the way and do not speak the language. Hospice Bardo expressed an interest in supporting these patients using the technology Virtual Reality. Therefore, this thesis aims to create a place for people where they can safely land in these tumultuous times and feel welcome to engage and open up to the 'in-between land' using Virtual Reality.
During this thesis, research activities have been performed to get insight into the patient's wishes and needs. Literature research and explorative interviews were performed to get insight into the patient's journey after the diagnosis of an incurable disease. The interview panel consisted of patients, loved ones, care professionals, and experts in the palliative world. The insights of this research have been clustered and led to fourteen criteria that support the design goal.
The criteria were used as an inspiration for the ideation. Four students worked on this project in a hack-a-thon of Young Medical Delta and created a framework that complemented this research, leading to the final design. This framework exists out of five worlds that all answer to a different need: The forest, the library, the home, the communal space, and the beach.
The Tussenland is a digital platform that will be offered to the patient after the bad news. In this thesis, only the entrance to The Tussenland is designed. 'The Entrance to The Tussenland' is a forest-like environment in Virtual Reality where people are welcomed and shown around by a guide. The patients own a tree where their experiences grow as blossoms on their tree. The tree can be shared, enabling others to enter this world and comment on these experiences.
For the final design, a prototype was evaluated by the panel. The panel was pleased with the meaningful interactions that were created in the design. It felt like a safe way to let people be welcomed and immersed in this new magical world. The participants felt like it was a tool that enabled them to express their thoughts, give them information and offer consolation in a meditative world.
A service system map and roadmap were created for the future development of 'The Entrance to The Tussenland.' The three milestones in this roadmap are the pilot, launching 'The Entrance to The Tussenland', and further development of The Tussenland.
However, the platform still needs to be developed as a full-service VR application. It is now a demonstration of what it could look/feel/sound like.
'The Entrance to The Tussenland' is not a concept meant for everyone because not every patient wants to engage the in-between-land.
In conclusion, the platform and service 'The Entrance to The Tussenland' supports patients after the bad news conversation by letting them safely land in the in-between-land.