Exploring the acceptance of innovation based on standardization in a construction programme

The role of uniqueness bias in the acceptance of innovation

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This thesis investigates the role of uniqueness bias in the acceptance of innovation based on standardization within construction programs, using the Programma Bruggen en Kademuren (PBK) as a case study. The research aims to bridge the gap in the literature regarding uniqueness bias and the acceptance of standardized innovation in the construction industry. Initially, a literature review was conducted, leading to the formulation of two hypotheses. These hypotheses were tested through semi-structured interviews, after gaining insights into the innovation acceptance process within the programme. This involved both document reviews and exploratory interviews with individuals involved in the development of innovation in PBK. The findings reveal that PBK fosters innovation through internal development and external innovation partnerships. This information guided the creation of criteria and questions for the semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analysed using thematic analysis, revealing factors that influence the acceptance of standardized innovation, categorized into preconditions, barriers, and enablers. Specifically, three preconditions, eight barriers, and two enablers were identified. Upon comparing the interview results with the initial hypotheses, no supporting evidence was found for either hypothesis. The identified factors were then used to develop three intervention plans aimed at enhancing innovation acceptance within a programme. These interventions include establishing a clear baseline direction, creating an Innovation section within the programme forum, and implementing contractual flexibility for innovation integration. Each intervention plan is designed to address identified barriers and enhance enablers, thereby fostering an optimal environment for innovation acceptance in public construction programmes


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