3D Closed-Loop SRME
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In this chapter we will present the 3D Closed-Loop SRME algorithm (CL-SRME).
The fundamental theory will still be the same as the 2D algorithm presented in the previous chapter, but now practical considerations (regarding the data volume) will produce a different processing strategy. We will start with an introduction and a literature review on the field of 3D multiple separation. Then we will introduce the GSMP (’Generalized Surface Multiple Prediction’) method. This method will allow the efficient calculation of large matrix products. Two type of products will be discussed, the ’correlation product’ and the ’convolution product’. Once all tools are in place, we can describe our scheme for the 3D CL-SRME method. Without any loss of generality, we will make constant emphasis on the shallow reflector geologies, as this ones are the most relevant for the current work.