From Silence to Dialogue
Boosting Collocated Social Interactions with Technology
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Social interactions play a crucial role in promoting personal development, mental health, and overall well-being. Despite the importance of collocated social interactions, HCI research has focused on initiating encounters rather than sustaining meaningful relationships. To address this gap, we designed Boost, a conversational aid tool that monitors the quality of social interactions between users and introduces movie-trivia based on their interests aimed at enriching their social interactions. We evaluated Boost through a study with 38 participants, findings reveal that it has potential to minimize silent moments, reduce negative feelings, enhance engagement, and improved interaction quality. Our results highlight the importance of designing future HCI tools that are context-aware, respect privacy, and enhance social interactions by supporting, not controlling, human interaction dynamics. We advocate for a balanced approach that acknowledges the complexity of social interactions, recognizing the value of silence and user autonomy.