European High resolution Resource Assessments
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Renewable energy project require long term climate information, offshore renewable energies in particular are in need of higher fidelity information as both power production, reliability and survivability rely on them. Existing open source datasets are too coarse, and often do not have the suitable physics based solutions to resolve high fidelity areas.
The deliverable offers an in-depth resource assessment for wind-wave-solar renewable energy resources along the European Atlantic region. The duration of information cover 1990-2021 (including 2021), resulting in 32 years. This deliverable uses state of the art high resolution data for wind and solar, and introduces the European Coasts High resolution Ocean WAVEs (ECHOWAVE) hindcast, a new open source database for wave conditions with superior accuracy. ECHOWAVE covers North Atlantic European waters within the coastal shelf, from intermediate to shallow water relative depths and is specially adjusted to improve the representation of sea states within the area of interest. This translates as a reduction of the uncertainties in the estimation of some of the most important wave parameters for wave energy applications.