Dispersion and dynamically one-dimensional modelling of salt transport in estuaries

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An estuary
forms the transition between the  ocean/sea
and a river and within its boundaries  fresh
and salt water mix. Fresh water intake  points
may be located within the reach of salt  intrusion.
In order to justify political and  managerial
decisions it is thus necessary to  understand
and be able to predict the process  of
salt intrusion in estuaries.  For
one-dimensional dynamic simulation of  the
hydrodynamics and salinity intrusion the 
modelling suite SOBEK is available. In the  Netherlands this software is used to evaluate  the impact of for example measures and  climate change on salinity intrusion in the  Dutch Rhine Meuse Delta (RMD). Recent  validations of SOBEK have mainly focused on  water levels and discharges, while less  attention was payed to its capability to
describe  salt transport. Therefore the
objective of this  research is to obtain
a better understanding of  dynamic
one-dimensional modelling of salt  transport
and improve the governing  formulations
with the newest scientific insights 
