A Soft Robot Inverse Kinematics for Virtual Reality
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We show how a variety of techniques from Computer Graphics can be leveraged to intuitively control the shape (configuration) of arbitrary 3D Soft Robots in VR. Our pipeline, Virtual Reality Soft Robot Inverse Kinematics (VR-Soft IK), overcomes fundamental limitations of general-purpose drag-and-drop soft robot control interfaces by leaving the 2D computer screen for 3D Virtual Reality (VR). VR-Soft IK uses a simulation based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and a control method based on sensitivity analysis. Additionally, we show that our general control pipeline can be fused with techniques from 3D character animation to skin our simulation with a high-resolution surface mesh, pointing a way toward Mixed Reality Soft Robots. This full Skinned VR-Soft IK pipeline uses skeletal animation and GPU picking. We demonstrate the utility of our pipeline by doing real-time, open-loop control of the real-world 3D soft robotic arm Helix.