Play Well Housing
Exploration of gamification and modularization as tools of participatory housing formation
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The goal of my thesis work was to experiment with potential approaches to addressing issues haunting housing across developed world countries. Namely, housing being: dehumanizing, unaffordable, wasteful in production, and under-performing. The main objective was to define the principles that would help creating the process which would enable configurative freedom for end users in terms of flat positioning, spatial layout, façade features and internal finish selection, whilst reducing cost and strain on environment. The redefinition of housing from machine for living to the ecosystem for living. In a hunt for this redefinition I tried to answer following questions: How can housing schemes become more attuned to the needs of the future occupants? Is there a way for designing with kit-of-parts systems to be combined with generative tools to unlock the hidden potential? How can we limit waste and performance issues in the built industry?