The Learning Curve applied to fire extinguisher training

A comparison among different type of fires

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This research contributes to assess the learning process of fire extinguisher training; which is an important analysis for the accurate design of training plans in order to ensure appropriate actions for fire mitigation. The experiment was executed using a fire simulator, 32 subjects participated in the trials for a month. In the results analysis, the data for each type of fire were adjusted with the Wright's Learning Curve model. The subjects' performance in the fire extinguishing training seems improved with experience, and the Wright's Learning Curve demonstrated been an effective tool to describe the process from a time/outcome perspective for each type of fire. On the other hand, the type C fire tends to have a more challenging learning process in contrast with the A and B types. Moreover, the results show the inadequacy of one-time training programs for fire extinguisher handling. Some future research recommendations are given.