Reviving the Forgotten Gasholders

Harnessing the potential of heritage sites through complementary architectural gestures

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Throughout the course of time, there has been a progression starting from the preservation of buildings and sites, to the conservation of specific elements of these landmarks, and now shifting towards adaptive reuse where the goal is to maintain cultural heritage through values and attributes. According to Aldo Rossi, there is no guarantee of effective continuity, and it is crucial to understand the process of transformation and determine how to act in such situations (Rossi, 1982). While numerous industrial buildings have been repurposed and given new functions, it remains a subject of debate whether they have succeeded in conserving the identity and historical essence of the structures.
This thesis aims uncover the significant and possibly forgotten or overlooked layers of an architectural product to then synthesise and integrate them into a new narrative, using an interpretation of the concept of collage as a tactic in architecture. In exploring the concept of complementarity, the thesis will delve into the idea that the integration of contrasting elements or ideas can create a harmonious whole. Similarly, a collage brings together disparate fragments to form a cohesive composition.
Emphasizing the concept of complementarity, similar to a collage, architecture reveals evidence of time and its process of construction, a work of architecture contains accumulated history as it is lived and engaged rather than observed” (Shields, 2012). An architectural piece is “rarely experienced in its totality, […] but as a series of partial views and synthesise experiences.” (Holl, Pallasmaa, & Perez-Gomez, 2006).
By embracing complementarity, architecture can establish a dynamic relationship between the existing context, the proposed interventions, and the emerging necessities, ensuring that the. essence and significance of the original structure are upheld while allowing for meaningful adaptation and transformation. Therefore, the essay will explore concepts such as collage and the notion of complementarity in terms of research and design within an architectural framework.