Gaussian process repetitive control
Beyond periodic internal models through kernels
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Repetitive control enables the exact compensation of periodic disturbances if the internal model is appropriately selected. The aim of this paper is to develop a novel synthesis technique for repetitive control (RC) based on a new more general internal model. By employing a Gaussian process internal model, asymptotic rejection is obtained for a wide range of disturbances through an appropriate selection of a kernel. The implementation is a simple linear time-invariant (LTI) filter that is automatically synthesized through this kernel. The result is a user-friendly design approach based on a limited number of intuitive design variables, such as smoothness and periodicity. The approach naturally extends to reject multi-period and non-periodic disturbances, exiting approaches are recovered as special cases, and a case study shows that it outperforms traditional RC in both convergence speed and steady-state error.