Dimensiones potenciales de los enfoques socioambientales como plataforma para el co-desarrollo local bajo la variabilidad del cambio climático
Consideraciones teórico-prácticas de transdisciplinariedad
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The governance of urban processes, in the face of the effects of variability and extremes of climate change, determines a complex approach to address them. In particular due to its inherent uncertainty and the high cost of infrastructure that its solution entails. The urgency of the responses and actions imposed by extreme weather events, transfers additional complexity to less developed societies. This given the drift towards sectoral responses and the structural lack of financing at the municipal level. This article proposes a double approach, linking the processes and strategies of climate adaptation to local development. This double effect, would facilitate the process of adaptation to climate change. This through the active integration of a broader range of actors in local development, incorporating more complex agendas and actions. Thus, ensuring a perspective of long-term evolutionary change. The article is defined from a theoretical framework with a transdisciplinary perspective, to validate the link between climate change strategies and local development. Presenting itself through a case study, establishing a framework for possible interventions with integrated objectives. This structure facilitates to establish policy recommendations and local development strategies within the characteristics and conditions recognized in the case study. Paying special attention to the high level of informal settlements in abandoned areas and the low economic capacity of the municipality to meet their needs.