Gamification: Improving Supervisory Control Performance in Highly Automated Air Traffic Control
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The use of automated conflict detection and resolution tools for air traffic control seems inevitable. Air traffic controllers will then take the role of automation supervisors, a role which is generally unsuitable for humans. Gamification, the use of game elements in non-gaming contexts, shows promising results in mitigating the effects of boredom. This project presents and experimentally tests a proposed implementation of gamification within an air traffic control work environment. Fictional aircraft are superimposed among automatically controlled real traffic, thus creating fictional conflicts that need resolving. System supervisors are given the task of supervising the behaviour of a fully automated conflict detection and resolution system while routing fictional aircraft safely and efficiently through the sector, avoiding conflicts with other aircraft (both real and fictional). Experiment results show that the presence of fictional aircraft increased reported concentration levels among participants, as well as improved supervisory control performance.