Revisiting the Practical Use of Automated Software Fault Localization Techniques
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In the last two decades, a great amount of effort has been put in researching automated debugging techniques to support developers in the debugging process. However, in a widely cited user study published in 2011, Parnin and Orso found that research in automated debugging techniques made assumptions that do not hold in practice, and suggested four research directions to remedy this: absolute evaluation metrics, result comprehension, ecosystems, and user studies. In this study, we revisit the research directions proposed by the authors, offering an overview of the progress that the research community has made in addressing them since 2011. We observe that new absolute evaluation metrics and result comprehension techniques have been proposed, while research in ecosystems and user studies remains mostly unexplored. We analyze what is hard about these unexplored directions and propose avenues for further research in the area of fault localization.