Phase aberration correction for focused ultrasound transmission by refraction compensation
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Phase aberration of focused ultrasound by tissue structure causes focus degradation and reduces the quality of B-mode images. Refraction at the boundary between subcutaneous fat and muscle is one of the dominant factors behind such degradation. To correct this, we propose a refraction compensation method in which ultrasound is transmitted and received twice. The boundary shape between different tissues is detected by the first ultrasound transmission. Next, ultrasound rays from probe elements to the target are calculated taking refraction into account. Corrected delay times are calculated from the length of the rays and the sound velocity of the medium. Finally, ultrasound is transmitted a second time using the corrected delay time and a B-mode image is created. We evaluate the correction effect of the proposed method by numerical simulation and experiments with non-compensated and refraction-compensated cases of intensity distribution of the focused ultrasound. Results show that focus degradation is effectively corrected by the proposed method.
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