Association between Covid-19 surge and emergency department patient flow and experience
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Background: Preparations for Covid-19 in the Netherlands included hospital reconfigurations to increase capacity for the expected surge at the emergency department (ED). We describe patients’ ED length of stay (LOS), crowding and experiences of patients with respiratory complaints during the first Covid-19 peak. Methods: Retrospective analysis of demand, ED LOS, crowding, and a patient experience survey during a 12-week period in 2020 and similar periods in 2018 and 2019. Crowding levels were calculated using the National ED OverCrowding Scale. Results: The number of patients with respiratory complaints increased significantly, while total ED numbers were unchanged. Although presentation during the Covid-19 peak and needing hospital admission were associated with a longer ED LOS in patients with respiratory complaints, significantly less crowding occurred compared with the 2018 and 2019 periods. Increased ED LOS was associated with lower patient experience scores. Conclusion: Advanced warning and its associated preparation within the hospital and the community prevented significant delays in ED throughput during the first Covid-19 peak.