Standards-based tools and services for building lifelong learning pathways

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The decade that we have embarked upon presents enormous challenges for Europe. The 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth recognises the key role higher education must play if the ambitions for Europe in a fast-changing global reality are to be realised. This implies widening access to lifelong learning to as many European citizens as possible and it is vital that measures are implemented to transform our reality towards this direction. Notably, labour markets increasingly require more graduates with specialized knowledge and competences and substantial investment has to be made in education systems to ensure that this demand is met. The COMPASS project aims to the Composition of Lifelong Learning Opportunity Pathways through Standards-based Services investing on the establishment of a cohesive, strategic partnership for the longterm promotion of LLL-related European strategies and the development of instruments that will raise the awareness of both learning opportunity providers and learning opportunity seekers and stimulate the design of policies for enhancing ET with alternative, flexible pathways on the basis of easy, technology-enhanced access to learning opportunities.


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