Movement of Thumb-Base Joints
In-Vivo anatomy and biomechanics to support Implant Design
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The thumb finger is indispensable for an independent daily life. Implant replacement, which aims to restore joint mobility and functionality, is one of the surgical treatments for patients with osteoarthritis at the thumb-base. However, current designs and the biomechanical understanding of the thumb-base joint are inadequate. Small bone size, deep location, and high degree-of-freedom challenge the investigation on this exquisite joint. Taking advantage of 4D CT scanning, this dissertation examined bone shape, joint contact, and the active motion boundary of the thumb-base joint among participants without signs of joint degeneration. In detail, the analysis compared the joint movement between females and males for the etiology of thumb-base osteoarthritis. The deeper insights gained into the structure and mechanics of the asymptomatic thumb-base joints provide the baseline understanding of the thumb-base joints, which can help researchers and healthcare professionals improve and develop more effective treatments for patients with thumb-base osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the exploration of connecting information between the skeletal and skin systems opens up possibilities for future research perspectives.