An Extension of CodeFeedr
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CodeFeedr is a Mining Software Repository (MSR) tool designed to efficiently mine massive amounts of streaming data of projects from various sources using Flink’s streaming framework in combination with Kafka. Commissioned by researchers at TU Delft on the field of Data Science and Software Engineering, the goal of this project was to expand further on the product, as it already existed in a development stage. At the start of the project, CodeFeedr consisted of a core pipeline functionality and a limited amount of plugins which process data sources. CodeFeedr-1Up, as this development team calls itself, aimed to achieve two goals: the first goal is increasing the current amount of available plugins, defined by usable software repository sources, to be used by the client; the second goal is to implement a REPL functionality which requests user-friendly SQL-like queries and outputs the queried data stream. Maven, Cargo, NPM and ClearlyDefined have been developed and have extended the CodeFeedr tool. Furthermore, querying on the aforementioned data sources depending on their data structure is possible for sequential pipelines. With user aid and documentation in mind, logical data models of a plugin’s internal structure have been drawn and supplied in the report.