Transport of silica encapsulated DNA microparticles in controlled instantaneous injection open channel experiments

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Surface water tracing is a widely used technique to investigate in-stream mass transport including contaminant migration. Recently, a microparticle tracer was developed with unique synthetic DNA encapsulated in an environmentally-friendly silica coating (Si-DNA microparticle). Previous tracing applications of such tracers reported detection and quantification, but a massive loss of tracer mass. However, the transport behavior of these DNA-tagged microparticle tracers has not been rigorously quantified and compared with that of solute tracers. Therefore, we compared the transport behavior of Si-DNA microparticles to the behavior of solute NaCl in 6 different, environmentally representative water types using breakthrough curves (BTCs), obtained from laboratory open channel injection experiments, whereby no Si-DNA microparticle tracer mass was lost. Hereafter, we modelled the BTCs using a 1-D advection-dispersion model with one transient storage zone (OTIS) by calibrating the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient D and a storage zone exchange rate coefficient. We concluded that the transport behavior of Si-DNA microparticles resembled that of NaCl in surface-water relevant conditions, evidenced by BTCs with a similar range of D; however, the Si-DNA microparticle had a more erratic BTC than its solute counterpart, whereby the scatter increased as a function of water quality complexity. The overall larger confidence interval of DSi-DNA was attributed to the discrete nature of colloidal particles with a certain particle size distribution and possibly minor shear-induced aggregations. This research established a solid methodological foundation for field application of Si-DNA microparticles in surface water tracing, providing insight in transport behavior of equivalent sized and mass particles in rivers.