Unified Diversification
Vertical University Development in the City Centre of Den Haag
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The dense city center of Den Haag is a place of constant redevelopments and a need for more multiplicity. The area is populated with inaccessible governmental buildings with fortress-like designs. The proposal reuses the existing National Library and National Archives while connecting to Leiden University Tower. It captures the flow of the city and directs the public inside.
The proposal aims to create and celebrate diversity. By inviting the general public inside the vertical campus, the university gains the new meaning of a marker in a city, a stage. Campus becomes a place for cultural exchange, public gatherings, and extra stage for minorities. Students benefit from improved creativity, innovation, civic engagement, and many others.
The design follows the Space Catalogue to ensure spatial diversity. Different floors, and moments inside them, provide unique experiences and new ways of learning. Various types of stages give students opportunities for social interactions, ranging from intimate to grand atmospheres.