Framing-deframing, drawing : cinematic practices of space
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The term cinematic is usually attributed to cities. Both cinema and metropolis, the city par
excellence, have a common lineage interwoven to each other. Their visual deposit can be easily
recalled from our memories in frames: Frames of shots, movements, stills… Yet, how relates
architecture, which also operates by framing, to the concept of cinematic at its own level? How
architectural imagery could be re-assembled in cinematic terms?
The agency of representation in architecture includes bidirectional projective machinery; it
captures the material environment and projects onto it. Similarly cinema operates in both
directions as a projective agent of our realities, feelings, inner and external worlds. The terms,
framing and deframing are singled out to highlight the peculiar condition of architectural
drawings’ connection to the filmic imagery. Therefore, the focus is kept on framing as one of
the formative elements in cinematic practices of space.