Development of an Active Aeroelastic Parametric Wing Apparatus

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This paper presents the development and initial characterization of an active, para- metric wing section with aileron and spoiler control surfaces. This wing section is intended to replace the currently used passive wing section setup and facilitate research in active con- trol techniques of aeroelastic phenomena such as flutter, gust load alleviation, and limit cycle oscillations. Baseline capabilities of the passive setup such as a variable center of mass, pitch axis location and spring stiffnesses are retained, while control surfaces, sensors, a single-board computer, and a mechanism for adjustable aileron free play were includedin the new design. Various system identification tests, such as a ground vibration test, flutter and control reversal speed tests, the actuator frequency response and static aerodynamic interaction between spoiler and aileron, were performed to identify the characteristics of the wing section. Finally, as a proof-of-concept, gust load alleviation tests show the difference between open- and closed-loop gust response when the aileron and spoiler are controlled with PID control.


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