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与主体性有关的欲望分析是精神分析学科的 专业所在,而精神分析理论也得到设计批评理论 界的频繁援引,却很少有专门引介的著作。通过 梳理精神分析与其后发展出的精神分裂分析之图 形工具历史,与设计理论的发展进行的互文性对 应,指出其哲学渊源和精神分析制图对新理论形 成的助益:精神分析、精神分裂分析与设计批评 的学科交叉经历了4个阶段(也是其4个基本应用 分类),分别是:文艺批评的隐喻元素阶段、存 在论的讨论工具阶段、系统生态的系谱学叙事工 具阶段,以及跨学科联结的平台阶段。精神分析 制图所经历的二元到多元、从“镜像”的再现到 “话语基础平台”的过程暗合了学科批评范式的 发展史。这其实是20世纪下半叶哲学理论发展的 一个缩影,作为其中一部分的设计理论也受到了 影响—以欲望结构分析城市与建筑理论,作为 “文本的文本分析”。最后,本文指出精神分析 制图、精神分裂分析制图在推动设计学科理论上 的可能方向。
The analysis of desire related to subjectivity is one of the subjects of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis theory is frequently cited by the theorists of design criticism, but there are few works introducing the cartographic tools used in psychoanalysis and the later developed schizoanalysis. This paper makes an intertextual correspondence between the developments of design theory and psychoanalytic cartographies, and proposes its philosophically diagnostic essence and the theoretical promotion from psychoanalysis. It is concluded that the interdisciplinary influence between psychoanalysis or schizoanalysis and design criticism has witnessed over 4 stages—which are also the primary application categories of psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis—including: 1) metaphors in literary criticisms; 2) analytical tools in ontology; 3) genealogical narrative tools in ecology of systems; and 4) synthesis operators for interdisciplinary research. The process from dualism to pluralism and the process from metaphorical representation of mirror to interdisciplinary synthesis operator experienced by psychoanalytic cartographies are consistent with the history of professional discourse and criticism paradigm development, and in fact are an epitome of philosophical theory in the second half of the 20th century. The design theory is also a part of the shift, so the graph of desire could be a way to represent the very discourse of critical history and relevant text. Lastly, possible applications of psychoanalytical and schizoanalytic cartographies in the design theory discourse are proposed.
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