Newton polygons and parabolic inhomogeneous symbols of partial differential equations

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When transforming PDE problems using Fourier and Laplace transforms, we can find functions that represent the problem, and which can be used to determine properties of the problem. We define such functions as symbols $P(\lambda,z)$. In general, we define the class of symbols $S(L_t\times L_x)$ are all functions which are represented by a polynomial of the form $R_P(\lambda,z):=\sum_{\ell\in I_P}\tau_\ell(\lambda,z)\phi_\ell(\lambda)\psi_\ell(z)$, where $\tau_\ell(\lambda,z)$ are $\rho$-homogeneous functions of $(\lambda,z)$ on the cones $L_t\times L_x$, and $\phi_\ell(\lambda)$ and $\psi_\ell(z)$ homogeneous functions of $\lambda$ on the cone $L_t$ and $z$ on the cone $L_x$ respectively. These functions have a certain $\gamma$-order $d_\gamma(P)$ that shows the order of the function relative to a relative weight $\gamma$, and a certain $\gamma$-principal part $\pi_\gamma P(\lambda,z)$, which is the part of $P$ that causes this $\gamma$-order.

For such a symbol, we define its Newton polygon $N(P)$ as a certain convex hull of points on $[0,\infty)^2$, which serves as a geometric description of the order of $P$. We define the weight function $W_P$ to be a positive polynomial with the orders found on the vertices of the Newton polygon $N(P)$. We define a notion of order functions, and show the order function of $P$ is $d_\gamma(P)$.

We define a notion of parameter-ellipticity and parabolicity for symbols in $S(L_t\times L_x)$ based on the Newton polygon $N(P)$, namely N-parameter-ellipticity and N-parabolicity. Using various results from the work of R. Denk and M. Kaip \cite{Denk Kaip} and results I introduced myself, we then prove the equivalence between N-parameter-ellipticity and having non-vanishing $\gamma$-principal parts.
