Tallinna Arkaad

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Tallinna Arkaad | Project description

Tallinna Arkaad (Tallinn's Arcade) is a project situated in Uus Maailm, a subdistrict of Tallinn characterized by poorly maintained buildings and streets and a lack of commercial activities. Despite these issues, Uus Maailm is poised for redevelopment, featuring good public transport access, nearby public buildings, and an underutilized square. The self-imposed ambitions for Uus Maailm include creating distinctive architecture, high-quality public spaces, and a mixed-use environment encompassing living, working, and recreation.

The proposed development is an arcade hybridized with a courtyard along an axis linking a public square to a train terminal. This design merges two popular public space typologies and integrates commercial functions, residences, offices, an embassy, a library, and classrooms, resulting in a dynamic mixed-use complex. The facade materials—limestone, wood, and glass—highlight Tallinn’s historical context while distinguishing between the inner and outer facades of the hybrid structure.

To manage the approximately 57,600 square meter irregular building, the volume is divided into four regular sections, with the irregular 'in-between' spaces developed as atriums. These atriums serve as distinct entry points, creating autonomous building sections. A general grid of 5.4 meters was applied, with slight variations in the arcade section.