The H2020 REFLECT project: Deliverable 1.2 - Conceptual model for the Tuzla geothermal site
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This Deliverable reports results for the Tuzla Geothermal Field (TGF), which is located in the western part of Turkey. In this field, there are a total of four geothermal wells (three production wells and one reinjection wells). The TGF has a binary cycle geothermal power plant. The most pressing issue in the TGF is silica-based scale. This study lists the results from analysis of physical and chemical properties of the geothermal fluid. It also includes the mineral analysis from scale samples of some of the wells of the geothermal field. Those results have been utilised in geothermometry to estimate temperatures within the TGF. Finally, mineral precipitation is investigated with a focus on silica-based scaling.