Airline maintenance task rescheduling in a disruptive environment
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Scheduling of airline maintenance tasks takes place in a disruptive environment. The stochastic arrival of non-routine maintenance tasks causes schedules to be adjusted continuously. Within this research a mixed integer linear programming model for airline maintenance task rescheduling in a disruptive environment is presented. Task scheduling is constrained by the availability of machinery, material, method and manpower (4M) requirements. Periodic workforce availability is included to satisfy task workforce requirements. The model is innovative as it is capable of both creating and adjusting maintenance schedules continuously in a disruptive environment. By means of the model a decrease in required ground time and schedule changes can be achieved while the task utilization rate stays similar to manually created airline schedules. Secondly, this model provides new opportunities to evaluate both the short- and long-term effects of disruptions as it is able to evaluate a 120-days scheduling horizon.