Automated generalisation within NMAs in 2016
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Producing maps and geo-data at different
scales is traditionally one of the main tasks of National (and regional)
Mapping Agencies (NMAs). The derivation of low-scale maps (i.e. with
less detail) from large-scale maps (with more detail), i.e.
generalisation, used to be a manual task of cartographers. With the need
for more up-to-date data as well as the development of automated
generalisation solutions in both research and industry, NMAs are
implementing automated generalisation production lines. To exchange
experiences and identify remaining issues, a workshop was organised end
2015 by the Commission on Generalisation and Multirepresentation of the
International Cartographic Association and the Commission on Modelling
and Processing of the European Spatial Data Research. This paper reports
about the workshop outcomes. It shows that, most NMAs have implemented a
certain form of automation in their workflows, varying from
generalisation of certain features while still maintaining a manual
workflow; semiautomated editing and generalisation to a fully automated