Large scale carbon capture and storage in Brazil
A preliminary cost modelling for Campos Basin's oil fields
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Cost assessment for large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Brazil was studied. The CO2 geological storage in Campos Basin, one of the sedimentary basins with large oil reserves in Brazil, was selected for a case study. About 76% of this basin's CO2 storage capacity (considering 17 oil fields) can be used at storage costs lower than €4/ton CO2. About 10 ton CO2 can be captured from neighboring sources at costs < €28/ton CO2. An assessment of CCS chains under four different scenarios showed average costs for complete CCS chains in the range of €47ton by 2025 in a scenario with 10 ton CO2 stored/yr to €82/ton in a scenario with 35 ton CO2 stored/yr. In the latter scenario, the estimated storage capacity of Campos basin's oil fields is filled in about 27 yr. In all scenarios, CO2 capture contributed the most to the total costs. Air-con, socio-economics (303).
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