Study of hydroplaning speed with variation of tire inflation pressure for smooth tire using analytical modeling

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The hydroplaning speed of a vehicle is known to be a function of tire inflation pressure and water depth present on the pavement, as experimentally verified by many past researchers. The well known NASA hydroplaning, however, expresses the predicted hydroplaning speed only as function of tire inflation pressure. For the present study, analyses were performed using an analytical model for a wide range of tire inflation pressures (185kPa to 2000 kPa) such that it can cover passenger cars to commercial aircrafts. A smooth tire case with plane pavement surface is considered and verified against the NASA hydroplaning equation and another equation by Gallaway. It was found that the simulation results match very well with the predicted hydroplaning speeds given by the NASA hydroplaning equation for different tire inflation pressures.However the simulation predicted hydroplaning speeds were higher.