Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared E-ELT instrument METIS - Overview of current status of the project

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The warm calibration unit (WCU) is one subsystem of the future METIS instrument on the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). Operating at daytime temperature, the WCU is mounted above the main cryostat of METIS and will be employed as calibration reference for science observations, as well as for verification and alignment purposes during the AIT phase. The WCU is designed and constructed at the University of Cologne, partner in the METIS consortium. The WCU, together with the full METIS instrument, went recently through a successful preliminary design review (PDR) phase at ESO and is entering now the Phase C of the project. In this paper, we present the current status of the WCU and summarize the mostly mechanical and optical engineering work. We adopted a hexapod unit to interface with the METIS cryostat and a CFRP-based optical bench to optimally cope with alignment flexure. We develop the case for fiber-fed laser sources feeding the integrating sphere for spectral calibration of the LM-Spectrograph of METIS. We detail the activity foreseen for Phase C including the optical tolerances analysis, the eigenfrequency and earthquake analysis and a preparation of the sub-system MAIT work, finishing the paper with a short overview of the WCU future plans.