Fosim 4.2.1 Programmabeschrijving - Aanvullingen en Errata bij de Programmabeschrijving van Fosim 4.1
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Fosim (Freeway Operations SIMulation) is a micro simulation model which reproduces traffic flow on Dutch motorways on a detailed level. It was developed by the Transport Research Laboratory of the Delft University of Technology for the Transport Research Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.
This document describes how the simulation kernel used in Fosim 4.2.1 and 4.2 (in Fosim 4.2.1 a small error that was present in version 4.2 was removed) was changed and extended in comparison with the previous version, Fosim 4.1, and contains several errata to the previous technical documentation.
Note: This document is intended for maintenance purposes and is not required for regular model application.