A multidisciplinairy approach to watermanagement in ricanau mofo

A scientific study that explores solutions for Ricanau Mofo's water management challenges, focusing on riverbank stabilization, improved drainage and responsible waste management.

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Located in Suriname, the village of Ricanau Mofo faces a multitude of environmental challenges. This report delves into a comprehensive study that employed a multidisciplinary approach, leveraging the expertise of students from various backgrounds to address these pressing issues.

The most critical concern identified was the relentless erosion of the riverbank, forming an existential threat to the village. The report explores interventions for both riverbank and soil erosion. Building upon the previous year's sheet pile wall construction by van Dongen et al. (2023), the report evaluates its effectiveness and proposes potential improvements for natural shore protection. It presents an analysis of structural solutions like sheet pile walls and quay walls, alongside nature-based methods that promote vegetation growth. A multi-criteria analysis is employed to objectively evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of each intervention.

Moving beyond the riverbank, the report investigates soil erosion in Ricanau Mofo's old center. To understand the water flow patterns, a hydrological analysis was conducted. This analysis incorporated field measurements, on-site observations, and existing scientific reports. By considering factors like clay content, vegetation cover, discharge, and slope, the study categorized different flow areas within the village center. This detailed analysis lead to the proposal of a combination of targeted interventions, including roof gutters, strategic vegetation planting, and channel improvements, all aimed at effectively addressing drainage issues and mitigating soil erosion.

Waste management emerged as another critical concern. The report sheds light on the impact of inadequate waste collection systems on hygiene and even the success of other implemented solutions. Recognizing the importance of community involvement, the report proposes a roadmap and implements a physical prototype for establishing a more organized and effective waste management system, promoting a sense of shared responsibility for a cleaner Ricanau Mofo.

This report illustrates the value of a multidisciplinary approach. By combining diverse expertise and conducting thorough analyses, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of Ricanau Mofo's environmental challenges. The proposed solutions for riverbank and soil erosion control, improved drainage, and effective waste management offer a sustainable path forward for the village's future development.