Origin of an enhanced colossal magnetoresistance effect in epitaxial Nd(0.52)Sr(0.48)MnO(3) thin films
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Nd(0.52)Sr(0.48)MnO(3) films of various thicknesses have been prepared by dc magnetron sputtering on single crystal LaAlO(3) (001) substrates. Reducing the film thickness leads to a significant suppression of ferromagnetic (FM) ordering and the Curie point falls below the antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition temperature. When this occurs, a huge rise of the magnetoresistance ratio from 400 to 60 000% is observed in an applied magnetic field of 5 T. We surmise that this new kind of the enhanced colossal magnetoresistance effect originates in the FM/AFM competition and the collapse of the charge-ordered state at high magnetic fields, rather than in the regular double-exchange mechanism.
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