Damage Diagnostics on Post-buckled Stiffened Panels Utilizing the Digital-Twin Concept

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A digital twin representative of a typical composite stiffened panel is utilized to monitor skin-to-stringer disbonds. A validated finite element model of the composite panel estimates the longitudinal strains of the pristine state, at the exact location where integrated fiber Bragg grating sensors are permanently installed. Experimental strains are acquired and compared to those provided by the digital twin in order to reveal the presence of disbonds. The integrated sensor grid is used in a manner that some sensors identify the load acting on the panel, leveraging on the digital twin baseline, whilst the remaining ones are dedicated for diagnostic purposes. Two damaged single-stringer panels are tested under compression-compression fatigue conditions. Static strains are received during quasi-static test intervals among the fatigue cycles. The historical strain data are analyzed in a near real-time manner to detect and localize the induced damage throughout the test span.


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