Service tools linking values with technology in a sustainable home refurbishment
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Sustainable home refurbishments are part of the many efforts needed in climate change mitigation. This practice note presents service tools that aim to link the residents’ values with the technology they will use after a sustainable refurbishment of their home. This technology will affect their daily living practices. In a recent sustainable refurbishment pilot project, my and colleagues’ role was to advise a building company running this process. With colleagues, I developed service tools to communicate with residents about what the refurbishment would mean for them. The service tools and an initial reflection on each one are presented and discussed here. Two types of tools are presented: tools to support residents in bringing their interests to bear, and tools to communicate with the residents about the new technology. I found that level of abstraction, timing, form and familiarity of the tools to stakeholders affect theireffectiveness in the process.
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