Sleep-Wake Classification for Home Monitoring of Sleep Apnea Patients
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Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder, whose diagnosis can strongly benefit from home-based screening. As the total sleep time is essential to assess the sleep apnea severity, a sleep-wake classifier was developed based on heart rate and respiration. These two signals were selected as they can be measured using unobtrusive sensors. A 1D convolutional neural network (CNN) was designed to classify 30s epochs of tachograms and respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) signals. The input based on beat-to-beat variability allows the use of different sensor types. A dataset of 56 patients with an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) below 10 was used to train and validate the network. This CNN was applied to an independent test set of ECG and RIP signals of 25 subjects. Of these, 8 subjects were simultaneously monitored using an unobtrusive capacitive-coupled ECG (ccECG) sensor integrated in a mattress. Artefact removal and data correction was performed on this acquired data. The performance on the independent dataset of ECG and RIP is comparable to state-of-the-art, with ? = 0.48. However, application on the ccECG data resulted in a drop in performance, with ? = 0.30. This was caused by a low amount of remaining wake epochs after data cleaning. Importantly, the network classified 30s segments of sleep apnea patients, without relying on past or future information for feature extraction.