Results from the EMMIHS-1 campaign (EuroMoonMars - IMA - HI-SEAS)

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Future human space exploration of the Moon and Mars could lead to the study of processes on the surface and subsurface of these planetary bodies in more detail. Nowadays, analogue space missions on Earth are used to prepare humanity for the challenges that will need to be overcome in order to settle on the Moon or Mars. The Hawaii - Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) habitat, is one of the places where these types of missions are performed. The habitat is located on the volcano Mauna Loa (Hawaii). Currently, operations of simulated missions at HI-SEAS are coordinated by the International MoonBase Alliance (IMA), an organization dedicated to building a Moon base prototype in Hawaii and ultimately a real settlement on the Moon. During the EMMIHS-1 campaign, a two week analog mission to the Moon was performed from the 20th of February till the 6th of March 2019. EMMIHS-1 was the first of a series of analogue Moon missions at the HI-SEAS habitat, as part of the EuroMoonMars program. Results of the simulated missions contribute to the understanding of how to properly build a Moon base on the lunar surface in the near future and what research still needs to be performed in order for humans to return to the Moon. Part of the lunar simulation was focused on how to do geological fieldwork despite the limitations of the analog spacesuits. This included the field research of secondary mineralization inside lava tubes and the hydrous alteration of lava flows. The research was conducted wearing analog spacesuits during extra vehicular activities (EVAs) with basic geological equipment and a drone. Infrared spectroscopy was applied on all collected samples, as an easy and quick tool for mineral identification. Furthermore, lab-measurements will deliver a better characterization of the mineralogical and elemental content of the samples. Another type of geological research that was performed during the mission was the study of the alteration of the lava flows on Mauna Loa, which can be used as an analogue for the hydrous alteration of basaltic rocks on Mars. Its goal was to help understand the surface processes on the red planet. Furthermore, the samples collected from within the lava tubes can help determine the impact of biogeological activity on secondary mineralization within those environments. As lava tubes mimic subsurface conditions of other planetary bodies, the results can be used to help find microbial extraterrestrial life on other planets.

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