Ship-induced waves interacting with floating membranes
A three-dimensional hydroelastic analysis
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Thin and large floating structures are increasingly used for a variety of applications, such as floating solar platforms, aquaculture, storage facilities, and even housing. For example, in the Netherlands, where thin plate-shaped floating solar platforms are being deployed in near-shore regions due to their benefits, such as uninterrupted solar irradiance and land conservation. With these deployments, it becomes essential to assess the risk posed to these structures by wave forcing in near-shore environments. Due to the large size of these flexible structures, the potential large impact of long ship-generated waves can be a key scenario of concern.
This thesis explores this scenario using a hybrid model, which couples a weakly nonlinear 2D finite element-based Boussinesq wave-generation model (FEBOUSS) with a 3D linear monolithic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model. A key contribution of this work is the implementation of a novel, one-way partitioned fluid-fluid coupling algorithm, which efficiently transfers wave-information from the FEBOUSS model to the FSI model. The coupling is achieved by (1) enforcing the normal wave particle velocity from FEBOUSS as a boundary condition at the vertical inlet of the FSI model, and (2) using a damping zone that not only absorbs reflected waves from the membrane but also gradually enforces wave-elevation and normal wave particle velocity at a subsection of the free surface boundary of the FSI model. The accuracy of the coupling algorithm can be adjusted by refining the partition of feeding particles in the overlapping zone while simultaneously controlling the length of the damping zone. This approach ensures both computational efficiency, in terms of total simulation time and data storage requirements, as well as high physical accuracy at the coupling interface. The scenario of ship-induced waves entering a narrow harbour housing a floating structure is demonstrated, focusing on how the velocity of the moving vessel, represented non-dimensionally by the depth-Froude number, influences the hydroelastic response of the membrane. The analysis revealed that for all tested depth-Froude numbers, the membrane initially follows the long ship-induced waves, with subsequent responses that may be either (significantly) amplified or dampened with respect to the incoming waves, depending on the specific case under consideration.
The work presented in this thesis makes a significant contribution to offshore engineering literature by introducing a novel fluid-fluid coupling algorithm that can be extended to even more complex scenarios. Both the FEBOUSS wave-generation model and the FSI model are highly versatile, making them suitable for studying a broad range of fluid-structure interaction problems. Future research could explore the effects of variable bathymetry, irregularly shaped floating structures, and other relevant factors, expanding the scope of this study to include a broader range of physical phenomena.